An Interview with Nick from Urbal Tea and a Tea Review — Alive n Vibrant

An Interview with Nick from Urbal Tea and a Tea Review

Hello everyone! In today’s blog post you will learn about herbal tea with Nick from Urbal Tea, a Milwaukee-based company.

An Interview with Nick from Urbal Tea and a Tea Review


1) How did you get started in the tea business?

I have always loved being out in nature. Even as a young boy growing up in Wisconsin, my family spent a lot of time up north and out in nature. I also have a strong interest in natural medicine and functional wise woman tradition. My family enjoys making their own foods from the land like maple syrup, mushroom picking, raspberry and blackberries. It's from this and my desire to be my own boss sparked the idea of Urbal Tea.

2) What was the first tea blend you ever made?

While in college I felt a cold coming on and decided to look into alternatives to Day Quill and over the counter medications. I researched online dried herbals similar to many Chinese herbal remedies through tea. I found herbs like elecampane, cherry bark, echinacea and elderberry as great ingredients for a cold remedy tea. I went to the local health food store and purchased the herbs. I mixed them up and brewed them as a tea. It's not only fun for me but I noticed the effects were amazing. I had several cups and in about a day I felt pretty much back to normal. That is where the idea of making herbal teas began.

3) What makes Urbal Tea different from the next tea company?

We focus on herbs. We don't really sell tea hence the name Urbal. We focus on local but also high quality organic herbs mixed in small batch runs. We are not reinventing the wheel but instead using more bold herbal flavors to help mask some of the roots and bitters in the blends. We want to appeal to a large group of people. Especially the non tea drinkers. We want to change the mindset and focus on bold benefits meets bold flavors. Our mantra is liquid for life. Most of our blends are caffeine free and safe for all ages.

4) Why are herbal teas better than regular teas?

Urbal tea is grown locally and in the US. The tea plant is also just one plant and mostly grown in China, Japan and India. The tea plant is great but I like to expand in many other herbs. These herbs give different benefits and makes our blends ever more unique than just say a green tea from Japan.

5) Are there health benefits to drinking Urbal tea blends? If so, what are some examples?

Absolutely!!! Urbal Tea blends are designed to help nourish and heal the body. The synergistic approach we take is to give the body what it needs to strengthen and heal itself. Teas are meant for daily consumption and over time the results of the medicinal benefits. It's not about breaking and entering the body with quick solutions like western medicine delivers. Many medicines today may help with your symptoms and heal the ailments. However, there isn't much research or benefits into the underlining concern or issue. Also, there can be adverse side effects from many medicines which don't always get noticed in time. I again always emphasize caution with medicine and use the least invasion approach to start. There is a place for pharmaceuticals, I however always recommend improving your diet and overall health first. This includes physical and mental health.

Tea Review

Thank you Urbal Tea for sending some teas to try!

I received Skin Deep, Cran Apple Detox, Equilibrium, Tutti Frutti, and Lemon Mango.

  1. Skin Deep

    This tea is absolutely amazing! The blend was designed to help combat skin issues. It has a delicious fruity undertone with hints of cinnamon.

  2. Cran Apple Detox

    This tea tastes like an apple pie! The tea is a detox tea with cranberry and apple. It is perfect for any time of day.

  3. Equilibrium

    This tea is Urbal's version of an herbal chai. With delicious hints of cinnamon and raspberry, this tea is perfect to make your body feel more balanced.

  4. Tutti Frutti

    Do you love fruit? If that is a yes, this tea is for you! Naturally sweetened with honeybush, this tea is perfect when you have a sweet tooth.

  5. Lemon Mango

    There are no words to explain how wonderful this tea is. Made with lemon and mango, this tea is so delicious. Fruity, tropical, and amazing.