SEEMA Story 3

Here are five of my beautiful SEEMA ladies...All of them have been widowed at young ages, some even as young as 25 years!!! In reality, they don't have much to laugh and smile about. They have faced rejection by in-laws, have suffered torture at the hands of their in-laws and each day weighs heavy on them as they struggle to raise their children single-handed. The only place where they find love, laughter, camaraderie, and support is in SEEMA!!! For the entire time they are in SEEMA they forget their sorrows and burdens and sit together as a family and share their food together over the lunch break. They have never considered remarrying as they have all suffered much and the trauma of their broken lives is yet to heal even after so many years. Their children are their anchors as well as their deep concerns. So with SEEMA as their only hope for their children and themselves you can imagine how devastated they were when the pandemic struck and they lost their jobs !! But they didn't give up hope and kept knocking at the doors of SEEMA. They pleaded for work, as they couldn't bear to see their children starve. They are back at work and have been learning to make MACRAME and the smiles are back on their faces. My plea is that you buy a macrame plant hanger or a bag to ensure these beautiful ladies keep smiling!!!!

-Jenny Ramble (SEEMA Founder)


Please, if you can, donate or purchase a beautiful bag to support these women. Links to donate and shop are below.

*To donate, scroll down to the bottom of the SEEMA USA home page.