Pat's Special Smoothie Recipe (AKA the greatest smoothie ever)

Hello everyone! Are you looking for a nutritious and delicious smoothie recipe? Well look no further, you’re about to learn the best smoothie recipe, Pat’s Special.

What makes this recipe so awesome? Well, it was created by Alive n Vibrant’s founder, Pat Molter, and it’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and proteins! 

This recipe uses Alive n Vibrant’s Green Powder and Berry and Superfruit powder, so you know you’re getting loads of antioxidants and nutrients.

Fun fact: Founder Pat Molter makes this smoothie every single morning!

The Ingredients

Flax Seeds: 

Flax seeds have omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, and can possibly lower blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and improve digestion.

Chia Seeds and Hemp Seeds:

Chia seeds are high in fiber, and can also possibly lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Hemp seeds have potassium, magnesium, and iron.

Romaine Lettuce:

Romaine lettuce contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium, it’s low in sodium, and it has vitamins C and K.

Collard, Kale, and Chard Leaves:

Collard, kale, and chard leaves are all high in Vitamins A and C.


Surprisingly, parsley is high in Vitamins A and C, and it’s rich in antioxidants!


Lemon is high in Vitamin C and is thought to be a weight-loss-inducing food.


Ginger contains germ-fighting compounds that can help stop the growth of bacterias like E.coli.


Bananas may support heart and digestive health, and it contains nutrients that can moderate blood sugar levels.


Fruits like pear, mango, berries, and pineapple contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.


Cinnamon contains compounds that are potentially anti-viral, and anti-fungal. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Sea Salt:

Sea salt is crucial to help you stay hydrated, and can help maintain appropriate blood sugar levels.

Alive n Vibrant Green Powder:

The Alive n Vibrant Green Powder may help promote stronger bones, healthier muscles, better digestion, and accelerated workout recovery.

Alive n Vibrant Berry and Superfruit Powder:

The Alive n Vibrant Berry and Superfruit Powder may help promote clearer skin, stronger bones, healthier muscles, better digestion, and workout recovery.

The Recipe:

¼ C flax seeds

2 T hemp or chia seeds

2 romaine leaves

2 collard, kale, or chard leaves

Handful of parsley

Juice of half a lemon

A chunk of ginger root

2 bananas

1 C of fruit such as pear, mango, berries, pineapple, etc.

Cinnamon and sea salt to taste

2 C purified water

1 tsp Berry Powder

1 tsp or up to 1 Tablespoon of Green Powder

Blend in your blender (Pat likes this one: Click Here) and enjoy!!

Have you tried this recipe? If you have, leave a comment below, or tag us at alivenvibrantLLC
