Meet our happy customer, Paul!
I'd like to introduce you to Pat Molter.
Pat has an array of holistic health experience and makes the only green powder I will use. She is also an aromatherapist who makes amazing products (that I guarantee your strictest ingredient standards will approve of. No multi-level marketing oils for her. Top quality. Which is why I buy from her.
- Lisa Sarnowski
I feel 30 years younger!
I'm thankful for your fine product. It must be exactly what I needed.
- Jack Grassel
“Proof is in the pudding”
I make a vegetable smoothie for my husband and I every day (we are 67 and 69), which includes Pat Molter’s raw protein powder. Neither of us have health problems, so this is not a recovery story at all. It’s a preventative story! Some of our friends and relatives have poked fun at the green drinks we carry around with us each morning, but as they say, the proof is in the pudding! Those daily drinks are an important part of staying healthy. I will be keeping up this habit. We both hike, bike, and play a lot of pickle ball, and rarely need to see a doctor. Thanks to Pat for her excellent research and dedication to consistent quality!
- Roxanne