Gardening for Kids - An Interview with Shea Zastrow from Everything Grows LLC

Hello everyone! In this blog post, you will learn about gardening for kids! Shea Zastrow is the co-founder of a gardening business called, Everything Grows LLC. He does a lot of work in the classroom with Young Scholars, teaching them about gardening!

Gardening for Kids - An Interview with Shea Zastrow from Everything Grows LLC

  1. Why is gardening beneficial to kids? What can it teach them?

    Gardening is an instinctual life skill. All we have to is give it a try. When a Young Scholar places a seed in soil, she/he is embarking on an experiment/journey that is fueled by care. This teaches a Young Scholar the most significant skill of all: How to Care for Something

  2. How can families incorporate gardening into their children’s lives?

    Place a seed in soil, place the pot next to a window. And enjoy!

  3. How can schools incorporate gardening into their curriculum?

    Grab some soil, seeds, and seed starters, and get after it! Place the starters next to a window sill (preferably to the South) and enjoy! Transplant the seedlings to a raised bed on property and enjoy some more! Building a raised bed on a property is not a difficult task for any School, Learning Center and/or Academy.

  4. What are some easy things that kids can grow?

    Herbs are the easiest. We use basil often. It's fragrant and beautiful, and can be placed on pizza and/or added to spaghetti sauce. Most Young Scholars love either pizza or spaghetti.

  5. What health benefits do children get from growing their own food as opposed to buying it at the store?

    If a Young Scholar grows a broccoli plant, she/he will eat it. Us humans have a hard time eating our vegetables. More often than not it's because we never grew them when we were young. This gives the Young Scholar an opportunity to taste their Harvest vs. what the grocery store has to offer. This is also getting soluble nutrition into their operating systems, powering their supercomputers in between their ears so they can take in more information during every quarter second of their existence. At Everything Grows, we like to call that a Health Benefit.

Everything Grows LLC has a year-long school curriculum full of exciting and engaging activities for students!

For more information on Everything Grows LLC, check out their new website!

Also, check out Everything Grows new demonstration video!